Just want someone to talk to?
You don’t have to be suicidal to want to talk to someone.
It costs nothing to get in touch.
I am always happy to talk to people.
Sometimes we just feel things getting on top of us, we don’t know where to look, we don’t know what to do, and we just wish we had someone to talk it over with.

This site is a professional therapy site. I deal with people who need a bit of help. They might be addicted to cigarettes or alcohol. Maybe they can’t sleep. Maybe they are afraid of something don’t really know what it is.
Other people are getting down because they are constantly getting bullied at work or by a relative. Sometimes it’s all about relationships. A lot of people have trouble just making friends. The go to work, go home, go to bed. Their life is empty.
Maybe you think you need therapy, maybe you don’t. Maybe you’re not sure. I’m very happy to talk to you about your situation, how thing seems to you, how you are feeling.
There’s no obligation, you don’t have to buy anything, you don’t have to even give me your name.
Don’t try to tough it out – talk to someone.
Reaching out to someone is a sign of strength, not a sign of weakness. You don’t have to pretend to be strong. You don’t have to do it on your own. Bottling things up, keeping your emotions to yourself, is always a bad idea.
No matter what your problem is, it is always better to talk it over with someone else. No matter what the problem is, there is always a solution. It might not be quick, it might not be easy, it might not be obvious, but there always is something that you can do.
Maybe you just want to bounce some ideas off someone. Maybe you just want to complain to someone. That’s okay too. Sometimes just hearing yourself describe your problem can be very helpful. Puts things into perspective. Might make you realise that things are not exactly the way you thought they were.
If you’re thinking of therapy, if you wondering whether therapy might help, or you just want to talk about your issues – that’s okay.
Ready to talk to someone?
Call or email me. I’m happy to talk to you. I won’t try to sell you anything or tell you what to do. What I will do, is to give you the advantage of 30 years of dealing with people just like you.
So make the call. What have you got to lose?
Dave Mason
Cell 029 773 4400
email wellingtonhypnosis@gmail.com
About Dave Mason