Tired of Jealousy? Astonishing results 1 hour Hypnosis ends it
Jealousy How to overcome your past for better results
Is jealousy ruining your happiness? Do you always need to know what your partner is doing? Are you sick of suspicions and worry? Do you just want to relax and have a real relationship like other people?
Well you can. This new hypnosis treatment will sort out any jealousy - easily, quickly, safely. And it is cheap!
With this new exclusive therapy, you can feel confident in your relationship all the time. How good would it be, to be sure, to trust your partner. To know deep inside that you are secure?
Feel safe and loved by taking action today. Call or book today. It's fast, easy and risk free. And might be a whole new start for you.
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I am so confident that you will succeed with this exclusive therapy that I make you a promise. If you have not had a major change after your session then I will give your money back. No questions asked.
And if you are still not sure, you can have a free video consultation. Let's talk about what you would count as a success.
029 773 4400 wellingtonhypnosis@gmail.com
Exclusive New Easy Way To Smash Your Jealousy - Guaranteed
End crippling Jealousy this way - easy quick exclusive results
You don't have to put up with Jealousy. It is easy to treat. And quite common. It affects men and women. People often don't try to get help. They don't want to admit it. Or they feel it is their fault.
People who are jealous are not weak, or needy, or stupid, or anything else.
They are suffering from a primitive fear. The fear that you will end up lonely and abandoned. That triggers an unbearable feeling. A feeling you have had before, and never want to have again.
Your mind remembers that feeling. You felt devastated and aching. So you mind does any thing is can to prevent having that feeling again. You will do anything, anything, to prevent a breakup. And that is where the trouble lies.

Jealousy Defined How To Destroy your Green Eyed Monster
Some people are unable to accept any kind of threat to their relationships.
Romantic or Suspicious Jealousy is about not being good enough. They cannot bear the idea that their partner might prefer someone else. Or might be thinking of ending it with them.
Reactive Jealousy The jealous partner jumps into action at the slightest hint of a rival.
Retroactive jealousy is about dating before they met. They imagine that their partner is remembering how it was. Were those lovers better, more satisfying? Am I no longer attractive?
Jealous people live with endless anxiety. The worry that their love is on the verge of breaking up. Bad behavior brings the breakup nearer. They know they are upsetting their partner. But they can't stop. The fear gets too much.
But because of that, they try harder, and stress out even more. At some point their behavior becomes too much. And that triggers what they feared.
With all forms of jealousy the fear grows over time. If they don't get in touch every day, they get resentful and angry. They worry that their partner is texting others. Some open their email, and check their Instagram history. Some even follow their partner and spy on them. Or they set up romantic traps to see if their partner responds.
Jealous behavior can go on even after the relationship has ended. The jealous partner continues to obsess about the other person. Even stalking and harassing them, refusing to accept that it's over.
Synonyms for Jealousy
How To vaporize Your Jealousy Fast, Simple, Safe
Your jealousy comes from a fear of the pain that comes when a relationship ends.
Every jealous person is suffering from a hurt in the past. It happened when some special relationship ended.
Someone - a parent, teacher, grandparent - someone you loved and needed, disappeared or died. That loss left a hurt child unable to do anything about it. Your unconscious mind does not want to be hurt that way again.
In your mind the pain was overwhelming, life threatening, a gigantic fear. Your unconscious mind will do anything to stop you feeling that way again.
Focus on the source, not the behaviour
The modern way to clear jealousy is to focus on your fear, not your behavior. This does not mean that you have to relive the fear. The new method instead gets you think around the fear in a different way. You are able to avoid that old feeling and replace it with a visual symbol.
Your own mind will create that symbol. It will be something that is personal to you. That symbol represents how you feel about losing someone close.
The new method is based on creating a connection in your mind. A connection between that original feeling, and the symbol you have created. The two thing are linked in your mind. When you see the symbol you are linking to the fear. When you feel the fear, you are linking to the symbol.
The therapy is about how to break that link. The way you break the connection is what is different and exclusive to this method. You own mind takes over. Part of your mind will begin to explore the symbol, to imagine it altering, making it a little different. You go deeper into your mind, making more and bigger alterations. At some point, the symbol will suddenly collapse.
By making lots of tiny changes, these grow into a big change. When you have made your personal changes, the symbol has changed so much it is no longer the same symbol. So the link between the feeling and symbol can not last. The symbol changes, the link breaks, and the feeling get released. The fear lets go of you. It disappears for ever.
Then I will ask you to imagine your partner doing something you don't like. That is to try to bring out the old feelings of jealousy. You will find that the feeling has gone. Your old fear swept away. And it is replace with - nothing. You can think of what used to bother you, and now it doesn't matter at all.
Meaning of Jealousy
It comes from the same root as 'zealous', meaning keen, determined, passionate, intensely motivated. This is found in the Bible where God jealously guards his followers. That is, with untiring efforts to protect them. The same intensity of feeling is found in jealous behavior, constantly watching someone you love.
Time to get rid of Jealousy?
You have let this thing control you for too long. You know life will so much easier without it. Think about a deep satisfying relationship with complete trust. You deserve at least that. Do something today to make it happen.
Your session lasts up to one hour, and costs $120.
Jealousy Fixed: Reliving Loss
I had a client yesterday who told me she had a jealousy issue. She was a very young woman. Jealousy is not unusual in young women. What was unusual about this client is that she was not jealous about a boyfriend or some other girl.
In this case, she gets anxious when she is with a friend and that friend goes to talk to someone else. It is the fear of losing that other person. She gets a sick feeling inside.
She doesn't seem to have anything else in her life that is wrong. Just this thing about always fearing that the her friend has gone off and won't come back.
This behavior was so specific, so emotionally charged, I suspected that at some point in her childhood she had been abandoned. That caused a fear in her. This fear was likely being triggered by any observed behavior that might lead to her feeling abandoned again.
Jealousy Hypnosis therapy procedure
In hypnosis, I gently took her back to the feeling that she has when she thinks someone is going away to talk to someone else. "Allow yourself to get into that feeling. Feel that feeling.
Allow that feeling to come out, that feeling you get when you think that someone is going away to talk to someone else and leaving you." "When you have the feeling, just say the word 'yes'".
When she told me that she had the feeling, she was feeling it right now, I said "allow your mind to go back in time, to the first time you ever felt that feeling.
When you get that first feeling your mind will give you a memory, a picture, something about what you are doing and what was going on at that time."
She immediately went back to a specific moment in time. Her mother was telling her that her father had died. "You will never see him again." The feeling that my client had was a deep sadness that she would never get to know him. She said she was aged five or six at the time.
"What is that child feeling?" She said "scared, lonely, anger at not getting to know him more. Confusion".
Inner child work
I then got her to go back to that child, as herself as an adult. I got her to introduce herself to that child. "Tell the child who you are. Tell the child that you are there for her.
Let that child know that you love her and you will always be there for her. She will never be lonely again. Hold that child. Put your arms around her. Feel her little fragile body. Feel the fear and anger and loneliness."
"Now take the fear from her. Tell her it is okay. Tell she did not do anything wrong.
Say to her that she is a beautiful little girl. And that you love her. Make it right for her."
"Now make that little girl smile. You know how to make little girls smile. Now get her to laugh.
Now take her out of that place, take her outside somewhere nice. Some place where she can play."
"Then watch as she grows." I then suggested that my client, the adult, could watch over that little girl. "You can be there as she grows. When she falls down you can pick up. You can kiss it better.
Watch as she becomes six and seven years old, a child. Then she becomes nine and 10, a girl. Then 11 and 13, a teenager. And you are there with her every step of the way. Helping her, showing her what to do, telling her that she is beautiful and strong and you love her totally."
"Then she becomes 15 and 16, a young woman. Then 19 and 20. An adult. Strong, resilient, outgoing, exactly the kind of person you want to be."
Reintegrate her inner child
"And then that young girl grows to be exactly the same age as you are now. And you put your arms out and she puts her arms out. You embrace each other. As you become one person. You are her and she is you. She is in you and you are in her."
"You can become aware of that little girl deep inside. And every now and again, this little laugh bubbles up from nowhere that lets you know she is there. To remind you that there is a happy , laughing, playing girl inside. And you love her. She is beautiful. She is now part of you."
She she said "the feeling has gone away completely. I feel so relaxed now."
We spent some time discussing what she had experienced. She said that her father had died when she was a child. He died of a heart attack very suddenly.
And it appears that she never got over him leaving. Until now.
Jealousy Fixed: Can't Let go of what she said
My client today discovered that his female partner was texting someone in Australia boasting that she was having sex with some other man. She said that she was actually winding up the other guy.
He has accepted this explanation but cannot let it go. Every time they have an argument or disagreement, he gets jealous, and brings it up. She is now telling him to get over it, move on, or find somebody else.
He keeps thinking about the incident and can't let it go. I decided to teach him some thinking exercises.
I started on the Tiger exercise. He immediately told me that he cannot visualise a Tiger. In fact he cannot visualise anything. I tested with various things.
He couldn't even visualise a circle. He said that when he thought about the Tiger what came to mind was his own cat. A fat and lazy cat. But he wasn't seeing the cat. He was experiencing the cat.
He had no visual ability at all. I therefore could not use the thinking exercises. So, I didn't really know what to do.
Finding the source of the jealousy
I asked him what he gets when he thinks about the texting incident. He told me that he can remember the car, and her leaving her phone on charge, and him thinking there's something odd about the text he'd seen, and then checking again later. And then feeling jealous.
But he could not 'see' any of it. And he was quite astonished that I could visualise things easily and clearly. He appeared quite worried by this as if there was some sort of problem in him. But when he was talking about the incident he said "I can feel it now". So I decided to do metaphor replacement therapy or remove his jealousy.
I got him to think himself back to the incident and he quite quickly got the feeling. When he confirmed he had the feeling I asked him how big it was. "Massive". I asked them what colour it was.
He said "maybe black?". He was not visualizing it. I asked him "is it hot or cold?". He said it's cold. I asked him "what shape is it?". He said it's like the shape of a person, and outlined shoulders and a waist in the torso.
Removing the feeling
I asked him "can you make it a little bigger". He immediately said "no". I asked him if he could make a little bit smaller?. He immediately said "yes".
Very quickly he made it so small it could fit in his hand. I asked him what would happen when it goes away. "Then I could be free. I could have a chance of getting her back again. And I would be able to make good decisions again."
I then asked him what he wanted to happen to that thing. He said he wanted to throw it away. He imagined himself standing on a cliff and throwing this thing down.
I then gave him a visualization of that thing lying exposed on the soil. Then rusting and turning into little bits and being washed away.
I then tested him to go back to the incident and see if there was any feeling left. He could find no feeling. But he still wasn't convinced that it had gone. I talked about the process for a while and explained how it all worked.
Getting rid of the last bit of jealous feeling
Eventually he said that he's got another issue. He has jealousy about an ex-partner of his wife's who in his opinion stands too close to her and is trying to upset him. He gets angry and jealous whenever that guy is near his wife. I asked him to go back into the feeling. He got that.
Then I asked him "and what is it like?". "It's like a sheet, a sheet enveloping me."
He then said that he could pull the sheet off and I got him to do that in detail. He said that he'd thrown the sheet down on the ground. I asked him to pick it up. He had it between his hands. And I then got him to do something to it.
I suggested he could tear or shred it or set fire to it. He decided to set fire to it. It ended up as a small pile of ash very quickly. I got him to blow it away and sweep up whatever was left, and it was over.
He agreed that the feelings had gone. "I am not sure if it will stay gone!". But he never came back.
Jealousy Fixed: Someone else's jealousy
Jealousy can spoil relationships in different ways. This client was a nice steady man who is being driven to distraction by his wife's jealousy.
When they go out, down to the pub, or just shopping, his wife's jealousy stops him even looking towards another woman. Even if he accidentally glances in some other woman's direction, his wife gets enraged and yells at him.
My client had put up with this for years, but it seems to be escalating.
There is nothing particularly wrong with my client, except an being over eager to please. Throughout his marriage, he has always done everything he can to keep his wife happy.
But now it's getting to a stage where she is so jealous that it is ruining their relationship.
You can't cure someone else's jealousy
My problem was that I cannot fix her jealousy by treating him. He wanted some sort of hypnosis that would prevent him from ever looking at another woman.
That is, he wanted me to do something that would mean his eyes would automatically avert themselves if there was a woman in his field of view. He hoped that would prevent his wife getting jealous and making a scene.
I felt that his level of wanting to please went beyond normal. He was quite willing to change his behavior to fit in with absolutely anything his wife demanded.
This suggested to me that he had some sort of self esteem issues. He was constantly allowing someone else to walk all over him. But if I changed him so that he stood up to his wife's bad behavior then this would probably wreck his marriage.
That was not the outcome he wanted. He wanted to avoid precisely that.
Using Behavioural therapy for jealousy
So I thought back to my psychology training days. If his wife's behavior was triggered by some stimulus in the environment, then I should be able to provide another stimulus that would create a different behavior in her. Classical conditioning psychology teaches that you can substitute a new behavior for an old behavior.
I suggested that because it was his behavior that triggered the wife's criticism, he could do something else as well. Every time he finds himself looking at a woman, he should add a head shake.
She can then interpret that as him rejecting that woman. If the two behaviors are always presented together, the second behavior will cancel out the first one.
He thought this was a good idea, and certainly worth trying. But he came here to be hypnotized, and he wanted hypnosis. Fair enough.
So I hypnotized him, and used Parts therapy aimed at installing a new part in him that would never forget to add the head shaking.
He left very pleased, and keen to try out his new behavior. Hypnosis is amazing.
Time to get rid of Jealousy?
You have let this thing control you for too long. You know life will so much easier without it. Think about a deep satisfying relationship with complete trust. You deserve at least that. Do something today to make it happen.
Your session lasts up to one hour, and costs $120.