Your Phobia fixed for ever
Your phobia is frightened of you!
- There have been people with a fear of the letter 'b', or terrified of open gates, or of rooms painted green. People have been scared of baked beans, or eating anything yellow.
- If you have tried to get rid of a phobia, you already know - no amount of willpower will fix it. The harder you try, the stronger it gets!
- You can deal with any phobia with the right technique. Easily, quickly and cheaply. Here's how.
- Look over these stories of how to clear a phobia. And then decide what you want to do.
What is a phobia?
A phobia is an unreasonable, uncontrollable, automatic fear. It can be almost anything: a person, place, object or event. A phobia is an exaggerated fear of something that is not a real threat. You might be one of the ten percent of adults suffering from some form of phobia.
Not all fears are phobias. Imagine yourself doing a bungee jump or climbing a tall ladder. If this makes you uncomfortable, then you don't have a phobia. If the very idea makes you sweat and want to run away, then you do have a phobia.
There are lots of things you are quite right to be afraid of, but not phobias. For example, fear of heights is a natural and valuable form of self preservation. Heights are dangerous - you should keep away from them. To be a phobia, you would need to show an unreasonable fear of heights.
Common Phobias
It might surprize you what scares people. In a survey of US phobias the most common one was actually fear of holes! The next was fear of water. Then needles, people staring, and crowds.
There are thousands of different phobias. Fear of heights, elevators, being alone. Spiders, birds, blood, dentists, snakes, fear of the dark... It appears that people can get a phobia about almost anything.
Phobias are real. Other people might find them funny, but you know they are nothing to laugh about. They spoil your quality of life. And yet, they are easily fixed.

Do you want to know how to clear your phobia?
Fear of flying
Fear of flying is one of the worst phobias. Some people have to get drunk before they get on a plane. Some people have to take tranquilizers. Some people refuse to get on a plane.
And the strange thing is, nobody gets fear of flying the first time they get on a plane. It only develops after you been flying a few times. Something happens on a flight that gives you a scare. If you're unlucky, that fright on the plane connects you to a much bigger fear. One that you have had since childhood.
A fear that was never dealt with at the time. That you have been carrying around with you aware. But now your mind has made a connection between flying and that old feeling. From then on you have fear of flying phobia.
Fear of flying is easy to get rid of. Specialized therapy can find the original incident. Then defuse it and remove all connection with flying. And from then on, you can fly anywhere you want without giving it a thought. Wouldn't that be good?
Public Speaking Phobia
How do you feel about making a speech at a wedding? Or presenting your ideas to a room full of managers? Asking a question in a public meeting? If any of these things make you sweat and stutter and stumble, then you've got a fear of public speaking.
In surveys of what people are most afraid of, public speaking always comes very near the top. In fact, more people say they're afraid of public speaking than they are of dying. In other words, at a funeral, they would rather be lying in the box, than talking about the deceased!
How good would you feel to be able to give a funny speech at a wedding? Or convince staff with your presence, or address a board meeting? Think about how big an advantage that would be in your career.
Specialist therapy can change the way you think about it, and take away the fear completely. Clearing your phobia is simple and effective. Maybe it's time to look into it?
Social Anxiety is fixable
I was afraid to leave the house because I didn't want people to look at me and judge me.
Social phobia affects people of all ages, not just teenagers. Many older people are uncomfortable meeting people, or afraid of asking for a raise.
People with social anxiety don't realize they actually have a phobia. They will tell you they are happy on their own. But they make excuses to stay home, can't talk to someone in a shop, afraid to ask for a favour. How many women will not leave the house unless they put on makeup?
Social phobia is sometimes called the invisible disease. You get into a routine, and then you get too comfortable in your routine. Don’t let your mind get in the way of your happiness. How do you get past the intense fear/discomfort? For me, it seems like my main issue is how chronically avoidant I am of things that make me uncomfortable. It’s not about never being uncomfortable, it’s about being able to cope with the uncomfortableness.
Dental Anxiety
Fear of the dentist is one of the most common phobias. Most people have no idea where it came from, or that it can be easily fixed. Modern hypnosis therapy is able to completely remove your dental anxiety.
If you are afraid of going to get your teeth into, if you sit in the waiting room sweating and anxious, or if he just can't even make an appointment, hypnosis therapy offers you a fast and efficient way to get rid of that feeling.
It works for everyone. And we are so confident of that, that we offer you a guarantee. If you don't lose your fear of the dentist then the session is free. Guaranteed.
Test Anxiety
Many people are held back in their career because they just cannot face an exam. Just the idea of going into the exam room brings on sweats and shaking, anxiety, and a feeling of wanting to be sick. And it doesn't matter what the test is. Hundreds of people are terrified at taking the driving test. Many people chose not to go to university because they knew that they would not be able to pass any test on anything. It is not because they are stupid. It's because the whole idea of being examined, and judged, and failed is just makes them want to run away.
That's the feeling is a phobia that started in childhood. It's an irrational fear of something that really isn't very frightening. But it is to the person who has the test anxiety. And as you get older, the anxiety increases. So it's best to get it treated early. Hypnosis therapy can cure the exam anxiety immediately and forever. Give it a go.
Golfing Yips
Golf is a wonderful sport until you get the Yips. The yips come out of nowhere, ruin your confidence, ruin your game, ruin the enjoyment you used to get.
They happen when you get onto the green and you have to make a putt, and everyone is looking at you. At that point a putt that is easy to do in practice becomes impossible. Your game falls apart and you miss the putt and everyone laughs. And it gets worse and worse.
Many people have abandoned golf because they are not able to win a round. They spent hours practicing on the putting greens and they can putt like Tiger Woods. Better than most members. But then when it comes to the real game, and other people are there, it all turns to custard.
For all its terror, Yips is a simple phobia. A fear others judging you. The fear of failing. Hypnosis therapy can make it vanish. Get your mojo back.
Fear of Blood
Sight of Blood, or more exactly the Blood-Injection-Injury phobia, is different from all other phobias. Instead of the usual increase in heart rate and increased blood pressure, the opposite occurs.
Your heart rate and blood pressure fall, and you feel dizzy, and may lose control and faint. This susceptibility has a physical component, and tends to run in families.
The person feels faint quite easily and this develops into a fear of losing control and fainting in public, rather than fear of the blood itself. The treatment consists of teaching you how to become aware of the onset of the symptoms, and how to keep your blood pressure up by using your muscles to counteract the fall in pressure. Once you learns how to avoid feeling faint, your fear fades away.
Phobia Success Stories
Phobias are the most common behavior problem. Think of how many people you know who have a secret fear.Most people try to hide it. And everyone with a phobia tries to avoid going to any place where the phobia will be set off. Sometimes it's just a nuisance, sometimes it has the power to ruin your life.
The cases tell the story of someone who came to see me to get a phobia cleared. Every phobia is different. But every phobia can be fixed. These are all positive outcomes. Some of them were life changing for the people involved. And their families. The lesson is: You don't have to put up with a phobia.
Case: Fear of abandonment
This client was and brought by her mother. She has a history of anxiety and bad sleep,
She reported several sleep related problems. A fear of not being able to sleep, and panicking about never being able to sleep again. Related to that, she has a fear of being alone, feeling abandoned. This normally happens at night, and then she feels guilty about disturbing her parents about her panic.
This fear was irrational, happened at a specific time and place, was out of proportion to the actual threat, and so this fitted the definition of a phobia.
She was very anxious, too anxious to begin to try to find the cause of it all, so I put her into trance and let her relax. Then I taught her self-hypnosis to control her anxiety. I took her in and out of trance to show her how she could manage her anxiety on her own.
Then I did a hypnosis therapy regression. In trance, I got her to think about the feeling of being alone. I got her to think about her fear of being abandoned, of losing control. She went back to the first time she had felt that feeling.
It was a memory of not being picked up at kindergarten. She remembered feeling lost and abandoned. She wondered if her parents were ever coming back. And then felt the fear and panic about being alone and abandoned.
I then got her to connect with that frightened child. I got her, as an adult, to go back to that child and comfort and reassure her. Then the adult led the child away from that memory, and visualized her being loved and wanted and safe.
When I brought here out of trance, she said 'I remember that now. And the feeling has gone!'
Case: Fear of traveling
This woman had a fear of trains and buses but it all comes down to trust. She cannot trust that the bus is going to stick to the route, and might take her somewhere she doesn't want to go. Some place where anything could happen.
She needs to be in control. She freaks out in any situation where she has to give up control and and must trust someone.
She was very agitated, and very anxious. I spent a long time getting her into trance. I did a long progressive muscle relaxation induction to get her deep in trance. Only then did her hands settle down and stop finger twitching.
We had a conversation with her unconscious mind. But it was unable to identify any particular incident that caused her to stop trusting people in connection with travelling. So I switched to different form of hypnosis therapy.
Rather than look for the memory, I focused on the feeling she gets when she panics. This is an alternative way of dealing with fears. It works directly on how her unconscious mind represents the fear that causes the panic.
I took on a visualisation of imagining that she was lying relaxing in a warm bath. I then led her into another visualisation when she found herself floating in a stream exactly like the warm bath. But this stream is moving along.
And as the stream moves it begins to unwrap something that has got wrapped around her, something that keeps from being free. As the stream unwraps the constriction around her, she begins to feel more and more free. And then the wrapping breaks up into pieces and the stream washes them away.
I then suggested to her that freeing up the thing that was holding her back, means that she can now become aware of things deep inside her body. I then suggested she find something inside the begins to move up and out of her body. It rests on her skin for a moment but then the stream comes along and washes it off.
She said that it felt like a black blob was coming out of her. When that evil thing left her body I then directed her to be washed up on a sandy beach where she dried off and got dressed.
I wanted to test if the thing had really gone, and that her fear was gone. So I then suggested she was standing at a bus stop and a bus was coming. I said to her as it got closer, "look into your body, and see if there's anything left of that old fear". She couldn't find any trace of that fear. Whatever was causing her problem, it was gone completely.
Case: Emitophobia
This client was a successful businesswoman. But she had a major problem. She was terrified at the thought of anyone vomiting anywhere near her.
This meant that she couldn't go to company functions. Someone might get drunk and vomit. She couldn't go near her grandchildren. They were always vomiting. She avoided people in the street. They might vomit right there.
She really didn't want to talk about the origin of her phobia or even think about it. So I just focused on the feeling that she gets in situations where somebody might vomit.
I got her to think about what the feeling is like. Not worry about where it came from, or what it meant, or anything else. Just 'when you have that feeling does it feel like?'
After a bit of prodding, she said it's like a hot prickly feeling I get all over me. I got her to think about the hot prickly thing, and encouraged her to imagine it changing. After a while she said "it's turned into a flow of lava." I asked her, "and what do you want to have happened to that lava?".
"I'm going to cover it with a quilt. The blue quilt. It will shrink." "And what will happen then?" "Then I can get over the lava, and it will just start to cool and turn solid."
I then I asked "And what can you do then?". "Well, it won't bother me anymore, will it?"
That's how easy it is to clear a phobia, when you know how to do it.
Case: Praying Mantis
This client had a very strange, and very precise phobia. She was afraid of the praying mantis insect. She was afraid of being near one, seeing one, even saying the name aloud made her feel bad.
This was clearly a case of straightforward phobia. I didn't even bother trying to find the source of it. I just got her to relax with some deep breathing and let her settle down. Then I asked her to describe the feeling she got when she thought about the praying mantis.
She started to tell me what she thought about them and why they were bad and all the rest of it. I had to stop and tell to focus on the feeling. 'How does that feeling seem to you? Point to where in your body you're feeling it. If it was an object, which thing would it most resemble?'
I then told her to start describing in complete detail the thing that she was feeling in her chest. She said it was like a big black box in her chest. I asked her, 'and what would you like to have happen to it?' She said 'I would like it to vanish'. So I suggested that she could 'imagine it shrinking, getting smaller, disappearing.'
Then I asked, 'and how small is that thing now?' She said 'it's tiny I could hold in my hand, it's very. very small.' I asked her 'And what would you like to have happen to it?' She said 'I'm going to blow it away'. And she did. It was gone.
I asked her what she thinks about a praying mantis now. She said 'it doesn't bother me much'.
When you get the right therapist, the whole thing takes nine minutes.
Case: Fear of going out
This woman came in to my office saying that she had a social phobia. She told me that she cannot go out without her boyfriend. He hates going places where she will meet people.
This seemed a straightforward enough issue. I tried to get her to find a feeling associated with her fear of going into places, of having to deal with people without someone there to support her. She could not identify any feeling at all about that.
I decided to put into trance. Her face and body were in constant movement, so she was clearly very anxious about something. So I did a long slow relaxation induction. When I was sure that she was in trance, I decided to test that she really was hypnotized.
I told her that her that her eyes were stuck closed shut, and she would not be able to open them. She opened them immediately, which told me that she was definitely not in trance and not hypnotized.
So I switched to another therapy style. I said to her, 'tell me about growing up.' And she burst into tears. She sat in the chair weeping and sobbing, and dabbing her eyes with a tissue. And it all came tumbling out. Her loneliness, her isolation, her feeling of helplessness, a feeling that something awful is going to happen.
Her father died when she was 14. She loved him and misses him. Then her mother died when she was 21. She was devastated. It created a formless, shapeless, wordless fear. That was why she could not go anywhere without a support person. What if something else devastating happened?
This explained the anxiety, the nervousness, the reluctance to go out – everything. So I hypnotized her again with a different method and got her to go back in her mind to find that lonely, abandoned 14 year old child.
I got her to approach the little girl and comfort her, and help her, and to take her out of that lonely dark place. I then got her to imagine her dad was there. She reconciled with him, and he told her that he was sending her love and support and strength and that she could do anything.
My client was back in tears again, but this time they were tears of happiness. She had rescued that little girl and now had the strength to go on and be a successful adult.
The right therapist can make anything right again.
Case: Eye Surgery
This young woman was going in for laser eye surgery. The problem was, that she could not allow anyone to go near her eyes. She had been like that since she was a young child. She had no idea where it came from, or what started it off. Her mother has said that she'd done it as long as she can remember.
There was no point in trying to find the original memory. It was probably when she was a very young child. All she has left is the fear of something going near her eyes.
So I went straight to the fear. She was able to feel it very clearly, at the top of the chest. I asked to tell me what it looked like. She said 'it's a large black ball.' I talked us through the process of altering the ball, and allowing it to change, and within a few minutes it had changed completely into something else. I then encouraged her to get rid of what was left, and that was the end of the fear.
Since she was going to go into surgery, I used some hypnotic suggestions to tell her that she could relax in any kind of surgery, that she would heal quickly and well, and that she would have very few after-effects.
I then spoke to her unconscious mind and got confirmation that the problem has gone, and she was looking forward to her surgery.
Case: Earthquakes
This was a young mother from New Zealand. Her problem was that she was getting more and more anxious about earthquakes, especially following the last one. She is now thinking of moving to Australia to avoid them.
I said that it seems to me like a simple phobia. She told me that her mother had also been terrified of earthquakes, and as a child, she had been disturbed by her mother's distress. It seemed to me that this was a case of phobia by proxy.
She was easily distressed just by talking about the earthquakes, and so I explained about hypnosis therapy. I talked her through feeling the fear and got her to feel it in her body. I developed it as an object.
She told me that she felt something oblong in her stomach. It was black and wobbly and soft and cold like jelly. I asked what she wanted to do with it. She told me she wanted to stamp on it.
I gradually got her to change the object until it became like a teardrop, but she could not change it any further. I asked her if she had ever done any baking.
I talked about rolling, spreading, flattening, twisting, to seed the idea in her mind. This worked. She said that it had now become like a balloon. I got her to expand it and expand it, until it popped. She then put it down the sink disposal unit.
Then I got her to think about the place where that balloon used to be. I encouraged her to fill the space with something nice, like a flower, or a candle, or a child's smile, or something else that she liked. She decided to fill it with the view from her new house.
I then deepened her into a safe place, where she had everything she needed, and felt safe and comfortable. I suggested that her baby was there with her. Together they were surrounded, unprotected, and loved. In that place there were not affected by what happened outside.
Then I added some personal resources for her. I suggested that she was the type of woman who shines in an emergency. The type of woman who takes control, the type of woman who is in charge of herself and everything else. I suggested that she was ready, and in control, and a survivor. That she was the type of person that other people rely on.
Then I allowed her to bring herself back to the present.
She said that she felt very tired, but now thought of earthquakes quite differently. She could still see the pink balloon going down the sink disposal unit.
Case: Fear of Flying Child
This old lady told me she is afraid of flying. She is anxious, worries about all the troubles overseas. We were doing an internet session to a remote little place far from any danger. She said all of the damage and destruction and people dying makes her feel anxious.
I started off by talking about her fear of the Ukraine war. She had no connection to the war in Ukraine. There was nothing particularly about the war that should triggered a phobia.
She was clearly distressed just sitting there in her kitchen. I got her to think about the feeling of being anxious about the war. This distressed her a bit more, but I persisted. To clear the phobia, I needed to find the source.
I got her to imagine a place where she could relax completely. She said that was on the beach outside her home. She kept opening her eyes and trying to talk to me. I eventually got her to focus on the feeling of anxiety.
She said it was like a big round ball in her stomach. It was full of anger and yuk. She wanted it to go away. When it was released she could be happy. She could go travelling and do all the things she liked. I asked her to make it a little bit bigger. She got distressed at the idea, and refused to make it any bigger.
So I asked if she could make it a little bit smaller. She said yes and she made it smaller and smaller. Then I explained that that that ball wanted to change and would keep on changing. She said it had become small and greyish. I started to develop it a bit more, but before I could even talk about it, she said "it has gone completely".
I then asked to relax and look around her body and see if there was anything left about the original fear and anxiety. She said there was something on her arms. Something pressing clamping squeezing on her upper arms.
I tried to develop this, she got very, very distressed, weeping, and wanted to come out of the feeling altogether. I had to work quite hard to keep her connected to the feeling.
Then she said "it's like a child, like arms of a child. This immediately made me think it was about her being shaken when she was a little girl. I started to talk about that, but she then told me through tears that it was not about her. It was about her child, the child she had lost 40 years ago.
She was still grieving for this child who died aged four. This was the core of her phobia. She felt devastated by the loss of her child and associated that with a feeling of lack of control. At the time there was nothing she could do to help the child, she felt helpless.
And every time she felt anything was out of her control, those feelings, her phobia, came back. That is why she was concerned about the war and about flying. The phobia was about things she could not control.
I got her to relax again, to stop crying, and got her to relax again onto the beach. I got her to imagine going down 10 steps that led her to the beach and use that as a countdown induction. I then got her to walk along the beach into she came to a pier.
In the end of the pier there was an old-fashioned sailing ship. And there was a child sitting on the ship looking at her. The boat was tied up. The child had a brief conversation with her, telling her that it was time to leave. It was time for her to get on with her life.
That everything changes. That he wanted to be let go. That he was happy and content and he loves her deeply. And he knew that she loved him deeply and that was all he needed.
I then allowed her to untie the rope. As the boat drifted slowly away, the rope slipped through her hands until it came to the end and the rope fell into the water. The boat drifted away. All the while the child was smiling and waving and happy to be going.
The child said that it didn't know where it was going that was very happy that she had released him. He was going to some other place and looking forward to it.
I took her back to the beach, and suggested that there was a plane flying high above and she could go on it to anywhere she wanted. She said 'Yes, I can do that now'.
Your fear might seem funny to other people but even the simplest phobia can dominate your life. A simple fear of crawly things can prevent a lifetime of gardening pleasure. Fear of travelling can stop your family from going on holiday. Most irrational fears can be cleared quickly. Why put up with something that can be cleared in one session?
Your session lasts about an hour, and costs $120.