NLP Six Step Reframe Explore and Free Your hidden Mind
How to undo your own powerful Unconscious Mind
NLP Six Step Reframe Hypnosis gives you a way to open up your own unconscious mind. It lets access your hidden resources. Negotiate a new approach to any problem.
The Six Step Reframe is a Neuro Linguistic Programming technique. The NLP Six Step Reframe is used in situations where 'part of me wants to stop doing something, but part of me wants to keep on doing it'.
NLP Six Step Reframe allows you manage your automatic reactions so that you can control the different parts of you that are in conflict.
Parts Therapy
The Reframe is based on Parts Therapy, where one part takes charge and asks other parts to change. You ask the part that is causing the problem to reveal its purpose, and ask it to negotiate with other parts to keep the good outcome but change how it gets it.
Some Parts Therapy aims to eliminate a rogue part. The NLP Six Step reframe has the advantage that it does not threaten any part of you, or leave a part feeling unwanted, or isolated.
It works on the idea that every part of you wants to help you, but they are all doing it in different ways. You need to get all the parts of your mind focusing on one purpose, so that they are working in harmony, instead of working against each other.
Parts therapy has nothing to do with Multiple Personalities. The NLP Six Step Reframe recognizes that we all feel sometimes that we are made up of different parts. Sometimes a part lets you do something, and sometimes a different part tells you to not do it. Ask anyone who struggles with their eating habits!
This therapy takes you into trance and lets you identify with those parts. When we talk about parts, we are using a metaphor for how we feel. The Six Step simply takes the metaphor further, and makes it more powerful.
The result is a fast and effective way to remove stubborn blocks that are keeping you from changing your behavior.

Our minds are complex and mysterious, but it has one primary purpose - to keep you alive. Your mind works tirelessly, day and night, to make sure you are safe.
But your mind is complicated, and has had to put up with thousands of experiences, and make sense of them. Sometimes it gets confused. Sometimes it decides to do something because it thinks that will keep you safe, but it doesn't really.
It will continue doing that even if doing that has other bad effects. Your mind balances out what it thinks are the benefits and risks. It gives most importance to the things that affect you emotionally.
You might have wondered why people continue to smoke, even though they know that it is making them unhealthy. They keep smoking despite every effort to not smoke, because their mind won't let them stop.
When you start smoking, you do it for a reason. Often the reason is to feel grown up, to fit in, to be accepted into some group you admire. Your mind links the smoking to one or all of those reasons.
If, growing up, you felt lonely and unwanted, and now smoking makes you feel like you belong, then your mind might decide that you need to keep smoking. That way you won't feel lonely.
And if you mind decides that not feeling lonely is the most important thing in your life, the thing that will make you happy for ever, then it will come up with every possible way to make sure you keep up that smoking.
It will give you cravings, bad moods - whatever it thinks will get you to keep smoking. Its intention is good. It is trying to make you happy - the only way it knows how.
That is how parts of your mind can make you do things that are destructive, because it believes that how it makes you feel is more important. And that is what the NLP Six Step Reframe sets out to change.
The six step reframe explores your own mind. You can start a dialogue with the different parts of your mind that determine what you can and can't do. You identify and bargain with the parts that are stopping you succeeding.
The six steps
Set up the inner place
When you go into trance, you will be led into deeper and deeper parts of your unconscious mind. Then I will suggest to you that you might find yourself in a cave, or a Cathedral, or some other huge place that is no one else there. This places quiet and dark and peaceful. And you will become aware of a Presence there.
Step one identify the behavior to change
I will invite you to think about the behavior that you want to change. The think about the feelings you have when you do that behavior. And to think about the part of you that does that behavior. Eventually you will identify the part. You then welcome the part and thank you for what it's been doing for you.
Step two communicate with your part
the aim of this part is to set up a two-way communication between yourself and that part of you that does the behavior you want to change. You then establish exactly how you are going to communicate with that part, and how it will communicate with you.
Step three identify that part's intention
your next step is to establish what it is that the part is trying to achieve for you. You may get an image, or a symbol, or a word. The meaning may be unclear or it may be ambiguous. Once you have established precisely what the part is trying to achieve for you, you then ask if it is willing to do the same thing in a different way. The answer will be either yes or no. If it is a 'no' then you can try to find out why it thinks it cannot change. If it is a 'yes' then you go on to step four.
Step four think about alternatives
now you know that part is willing to change, and you know what is trying to achieve, you then assemble other parts of your mind to try to come up with some new way that will allow your mind to give you the same result but in a different method. You have to ensure that all the parts of your mind are in agreement and will work in harmony for you.
Step five choose the best alternative behavior
Now that you have considered all the alternatives, you can decide which new method you are going to use in future. Most likely, one particular method or suggest itself as best. You may spend some time evaluating the pluses and minuses of this particular method.
Step six check for any conflicts
the final step is to discuss your proposed new behavior with all the other parts. You get the most considerate from their point of view and to check that it fits in with what they want as well.
When all the parts are in agreement, you check with the original part that it can still perform its function with your new method. You then ask it to signal its agreement in a very positive way. When you have that you know that you have a contract, a guarantee that the behavior is now going to change.
The NLP six step reframe is a very powerful therapy. It often reveals hidden parts of your own mind that you just were not aware of. Often, the behavior you cannot change is there because your mind believes it is doing something positive for you with this behavior.
The formal process of the six step reframe encourages that part to consider changing, and then makes sure that if it does change it does not affect any other parts of your mind.
This unusual and interesting therapy may be just the thing you need.
What is in your unconscious mind? Do you think some parts might be in conflict? You can experience the profound effects of exploring your own inner space. Do you feel the Six Step Reframe process might be the right way to open up your mind to new possibilities?
Your session lasts about an hour, and costs $120.