Turn Social Anxiety into Total Confidence
Do you dread meetings parties dates?
Social Anxiety is a constant fear that other people are looking at you and judging you. It is all about how other people might think of you. You fear you will be criticized for how you speak, dress, or act. Or you think people will find something else wrong about you, and secretly despise you.
Social anxiety and confidence are two sides of the same coin. If you have one of them, you don't have the other one. Confidence is the lack of anxiety. Anxiety is a lack of confidence. It's as simple as that. If you want to get your confidence back, then you have to deal with whatever is causing your anxiety. Hypnosis has a good record of clearing it.
What causes social anxiety?
Your underlying problem is that at some time in the past you actually did come to the attention of someone, or some group, and were criticized for something you did. That criticism caused a real emotion. It made you feel hurt, rejected, isolated, ashamed. And you never, never want to feel that way again. Whenever you think about a situation like the first one, you automatically remember the shame and embarrassment.
Your social anxiety, or social phobia, is the fear of having to experience that original pain again, and your mind will do anything to avoid it. Anything. However, strangely enough, no matter what form your social anxiety takes, it is because your unconscious mind trying to protect you. It wants to stop you from ever being humiliated again, so you don't have to feel that feeling again.
Over time, your initial fear experience gets magnified. It grows until the dread of it becomes the governing factor in your life. In almost every case the original incident is forgotten, and you have no idea why you have this irrational fear.
Social anxiety disorder symptoms
Social anxiety can arise anywhere in daily life. When you look in the mirror before you leave the house. When your cell phone rings and you dread who is calling you. When you're unexpectedly called into a meeting. When the checkout operator looks into your basket and judges your eating choices.
All these are social interactions. And in every social interaction there is the potential for misunderstanding, for mistakes, for upsetting the other people. There is also the possibility that you're going to be judged or criticized for what you do or say next. All that adds up to social anxiety.
Some people get so affected that they feel they have lost control. In extreme cases they cannot go to school, or work with others. Others can, but feel anxious all the time, especially in social situations. Sometimes the pressure on themselves becomse so intense that avoid going to parties or any public place.
It can get so bad that the person needs anti-depressants just to function normally.
Test for Social Anxiety Disorder
Do you worry about being judged?
Are you also on the lookout for criticism or rejection? Do you expect people to think you're a failure? Do you worry that you're going to say the wrong thing, act stupidly, accidentally make a full of yourself? Do you often feel that you have chosen to wear the wrong thing, you don't fit in with the people around you, that people really don't like you but won't say it?
Do other people describe you as shy or reserved?
Have you always been shy? Do you find it hard to talk to strangers? Do you prefer to let other people do all the talking in a meeting? How do you feel about giving a speech? How do you react when someone pays you a compliment? Do you find it hard to make friends, join clubs, ask for a dance, complain about a meal?
Do you always get anxious in certain situations?
Do you hate being asked to say your name and something about yourself in a group meeting? Do you prefer eating alone? Do you go into a panic when someone criticises you unexpectedly? Do you have a fear of authority figures?
Do you get a reaction in your body when you're anxious?
Do you get blushing every time some one looks at you? You feel your heart beating, your pulse racing, your breath catching? Does the idea of meeting someone put you into a sweat?
Do you try to avoid meeting people?
The easiest way to avoid anxiety is to avoid places and people who give you anxiety. But that then leads you ever deeper into the anxiety trap. If you don't meet people, then you cannot improve your social skills. If you keep avoiding people, eventually they'll stop seeking you out. But all that isolates you even further. Eventually you find yourself avoiding eye contact, walking along looking at the ground, waiting for an empty bus, refusing to go into the elevator of there is someone already in it, and so on.
Do you get rattled when someone is watching you?
Do you find you cannot do even the simplest thing, if someone is watching you? Do you fumble with your keys, or get your fingers mixed up on the keyboard, or forget the right words, if you know someone is there, watching you, observing, silently criticizing? Do you avoid looking people in the eye?

Social anxiety hypnosis
Ways of treating social anxiety disorder
There are several ways of overcoming social anxiety. You can try deal with the symptoms. You can do mental exercises and visualizations of how you should react when meeting people.
You can try to deal with the thoughts that go through your mind during stressful situations.
Or you can go after the reasons for feeling uncomfortable when meeting people. Learn to recognize the feelings and remove them. Then you never need to feel that way again.
Hypnotherapy usually clears up social anxiety quickly and easily.
Signs of social anxiety
The symptoms associated with Social Anxiety are actually fear reactions:
feeling sick,
feeling weak,
heart racing,
dry mouth,
stammering and stuttering,
sweaty palms,
loose bowels,
urge to run away.
Public Speaking
Public Speaking social phobia. This happens when you are thrust into the limelight, when you becomethe focus of attention in a group. When that happens you feel that everyone will judge what you say, and how you say it.
If you are a manager, it can be a presentation at work. Or a speech at a wedding. It might even happen when you have to speak at a staff meeting, or just asking a question. Some people cannot even ask for directions in the street, or raise their hand at an auction.
Stage Fright
Stage fright, or Performance Anxiety, is similar, where the person fears that they will be thrust into some sort of public performance and they will be judged negatively. Many actors go through agonies before every performance. It also is felt by sales reps, shop assistants, teachers and others who have to go out and deal with the public.
It can stop people from enjoying dancing, demonstrating how to do something, collecting for charity, or even just wearing glasses. The person is sure that everyone will be looking at them, and just waiting for them to make some sort of mistake.
Personal Competence
Some people are unable to do things they can normally do if another person is around. In a work situation they may be unable to type on a keyboard if someone is watching, or be unable to write down a telephone number, or to make a phone call.
It doesn't matter if the other person is watching them or not, sometimes just another person being there is enough.
Some people would rather die than dare to ask for a date. The overwhelming fear of rejection is just too high. Yet, the same person is quite happy to say 'Yes!' if asked on a date. Dating anxiety is very, very, common. And totally unnecessary. Hypnosis can usually clear it away easily and permanently.
Self Assertion
Some people never have enough confidence to confront another person, or argue their case, or stick up for themselves. They know they should. They are entitled to. But they just cannot bring themselves to do it.
In the work situation this applies to asking for a raise, confronting customers, and refusing additional work. If you get walked over all the time, then hypnosis has the answer.
Shy Bladder
Some people are totally unable to use public toilets in case someone else comes in before they are finished. Some cannot relieve themselves at all if there is any one anywhere near (paruresis). They sometimes have to drive for miles to get home to use private facilities.
Some people are the opposite, they must always know where the toilets are. I had a client, a very elegant self-assured lady who had to carefully plan every route to be sure of never being more than five minutes away from a public facility.
In forced group situations such as barracks and ships, men have been know to hold everything in all day and then get up in the middle of the night to avoid the gaze of others. All these are just a special case of Social Phobia.
Problems that cause more problems
Substance abuse
Social phobia can be crippling to someone who has to perform in public. People such as actors frequently resort to a quick drink to calm their nerves, and that lead to another set of problems.
A lot of illegal and prescription drug abuse is the result of people with social anxiety trying to self medicate to get more confidence. Smoking and nervous eating are often associated with social anxiety.
Self confidence
Social phobias can also lead to a lowering of self confidence generally, and can have knock on effects in other aspects of life. People are unable to go to a party, or strike up a conversation with a stranger, or sometimes even to make eye contact with others.
Social phobia can make life so stressful, so lacking in pleasures that the constant anxiety and fear triggers or maintains depression.
Social phobia can be helped, and eliminated entirely in most cases.
Loss of confidence can have a devastating effect on your life. It can take all the sparkle out of living. Things that used to be easy are now hard. Things that used to be fun become something to dread. It doesn't have to be that way. Hypnotherapy can help. Book a session and experience the difference.
Your session lasts about an hour, and costs $120.