Public Speaking Anxiety Guaranteed Results With New Hypnosis Technique
How to overcome fear of speaking in public
Easiest Way To Earn More Money Quickly And Get Noticed

Hypnotherapy - Unique Way To Get Outstanding Results
There is a simple way to fix public speaking anxiety. A method that actually works. More than that, I guarantee you will comfortable speaking to any one, anywhere. This new hypnosis technique is simple, quick and effective. It is the fastest, surest way to successful speaking. Hypnosis will amaze you with its results.
Yes, it will work for you. Your fear is actually easy to fix. Even if you have had it most of your life. Forget about all the stuff you have tried before. Expect outstanding results immediately. Hypnosis works for everyone. It will work for you.
Think of the last time you felt embarrassed in public. Now re-imagine it. How good would it be to feel in control, sure of what you are saying? Feel how different you will be when the feeling that has controlled you for years is gone.
It's time for you to get noticed. You can give presentations to colleagues. Give impromptu speeches, think on your feet in any situation.
No more stammering, avoiding meetings or watching others get ahead. A session of hypnotherapy could be the best investment you ever made. Think of it as an investment in yourself. You know how much this is worth to you.
You will look back afterwards, and wonder why you didn't do it earlier. In just a few hours, you can transform your job and your social life. Do it.
If you want this major life change you are going to have to act now. This unique therapy won't just give you what you have always been looking for. It guarantees it. What are you waiting for? Book a session or call for more information now.
Money back guarantee
I am so confident that you will get over your fear of public speaking that I make you a promise. If you have not had a major change after your three sessions then I will give your money back. No questions asked.
And if you are still not sure, call me. Let's discuss your needs, and what you would define as the outcome you want. And we will work towards that.
Dave Mason 029 773 4400
Why do so many people have public speaking anxiety?
How much would it be worth to you to be able to speak confidently? To be able to get your point across forcefully and calmly? Are you guilty of holding yourself back while less worthy people get ahead?
You can change. Do you want to be able to offer a toast comfortably at a wedding? Or sell an idea to a big client? Are you tired of putting up with a racing heart, dry throat, stammering? Well, you can.
When you ask people what their biggest fear is, Fear of Public Speaking is usually number one. It's way more than fear of dying. At a funeral they would rather be lying in the coffin than delivering the speech!
Ever professional actors get stage fright. Most people just cannot face any form of public speaking. They have no trouble talking on the phone. Or gossiping with two friends, or three friends, even three total strangers. But putting yourself forward? No thanks.
What are the Symptoms of public speaking anxiety?
Everyone with public speaking anxiety knows the symptoms too well. Anxiety, cold sweats, flushing, nervousness, dry throat, pounding heart, panic. These are all symptoms of fright. They are not specific to fear of public speaking.
What happens is that for some reason you get a massive panic response, and your voice is really shaky. You feel everyone is looking at you. Your heart rate goes way up and you can hardly speak.
When it comes to speaking up in a meeting, a class, or giving a speech, many people suddenly feel that way. You get sweaty hands, dry throat, you stammer and stumble. The idea of standing up and talking in front of anybody terrifies you.
Take away the cause of the fear, and the problems all disappear immediately. That tells you that it is psychological issue, not a physical issue. You are getting the feelings because you feel threatened.
Technically, it is known as 'glossophobia'. It is more common in young people, and more in females. It is a form of social anxiety. No matter how extreme it might feel, it is not a sign of mental illness.
"Friends are setting me up with a date with a nice man. And I cannot bring myself to meet him. I won't know what to say. I will look stupid. I'd rather not go."
Where did you get your public speaking anxiety?
People with public speaking anxiety are mentally reliving an event from their past. The event was usually when you were a child. You got humiliated in front of others.
It's all about being judged, or feeling embarrassed. Your fear of public speaking is actually a social phobia. It is the result of a childhood trauma. Usually you are not even aware of what caused it.
It is usually after a child was asked to speak in a classroom or similar, failed for some reason, and the whole class jeered and laughed. You felt humiliated, ashamed, isolated, a hopeless loser.
Your unconscious mind decided that enough is enough. It will never let you get humiliated that way again. So your mind makes sure that you never get into another situation like that.
Your mind creates a fear. A fear that keeps you away from the danger. Over time, the fear gets bigger. And then it expands the fear to include more and more socially exposed situations.
Your subconscious does everything is can to make sure you never have to speak in public again. By making you stumble, blush and stutter, it is protecting you from what you fear.
If you can't do it, then nobody will ask you do it next time. That way, you avoid any possibility of another humiliating failure. If you end up sick with fear in the toilet and can't go on, your subconscious is delighted.
It means you don't have to face the audience. And the next time the idea comes up again, your subconscious will repeat all those things that worked so well the last time.
How to treat public speaking anxiety
Most treatments for public speaking anxiety focus on teaching you how to get better at the speaking part. This often helps, although it takes a long time. It is basically a form of graduated exposure therapy.
In fact there are Toastmaster groups in most cities where you can practice public speaking in a supportive environment, and get training in how to present your ideas.
Relaxation training also helps. But it is much quicker to remove the fear in the first place. If you don't have the fear at all, you are already relaxed.
However, these types of training do not address the basic problem of public speaking: your fear. You need to get rid of the basic fear. Once that has gone, you can talk to anybody.
A new and effective treatment for Public Speaking Anxiety
Somatic Manifest Treatment is a new and unique form of treatment. It focuses on the anxiety, not the performance. When you clear the anxiety, your performance will improve instantly and automatically.
The treatment is based on the latest findings from brain imaging. This studies how the human brain stores and access memories. The method neutralizes your behavior triggers.
It identifies the feelings associated with the memories, and then changes those feelings by neuroimaging. Once feelings have been altered, it breaks the chain.
The usual chain is: situation - recognition- memory - threat - fear- anxiety - performance. By altering how your brain reacts to the memory now, the chain gets broken. The panic doesn't arise, so the anxiety doesn't appear either.
From now on, you have lost your fear of public speaking.
I asked her to check again about the fear of speaking out that she had been talking about. I wanted to be sure that I had actually made a difference to her. She said, "Yes, it's really gone. I can feel it. I know that is just not there now." Jessica Jeffries Newtown
Confidence for Public Speaking at a Meeting
This client was an IT specialist working in the public sector. She is highly intelligent, studying at university for a PhD in Science and Philosophy. She is probably the most qualified person in the building.
And yet, she is afraid of public speaking. She feels anxious about speaking up in meetings in front of men. The trouble is, the IT sector is totally dominated by men. Often, she is the only female in the room.
It doesn't matter that she is the expert on the subject being discussed, or that she knows more than everyone else. When she has to express an opinion publicly in front of male colleagues, her overwhelming fear of public speaking kicks in.
She feels timid, and unsure, and afraid to even give an opinion. This has happened in every company she has worked for, and even happened in her classes at university.
Clearing her phobia
The normal way to clear a phobia like public speaking is to get you to think about the situation you fear, and then get you to feel the fear. Once you are aware of the fear, you are able to feel it somewhere in your body. Then it is easy to clear.
I asked her to imagine that she was in some public speaking situation, to allow the feeling to come out, and to describe what she experiences when it happens. However, she was not able get the feeling right there and then.
This happens fairly often, because the person is too afraid of the feeling to call it up deliberately. So I changed to the Regression technique.
When I do regression, I hypnotize you into a trance. Then I take you back to some childhood memory, a memory where you feel a very strong emotion about something important to you.
Once you have the memory, I enable you to go back to that place and time, and to feel exactly what you were feeling then.
In this case my client took me back to a school room long ago. In that school room, the boys were allowed to do what they wanted, and the girls were disregarded.
My client described an atmosphere in which the boys were encouraged, and helped, but everything a girl said was mocked and dismissed. I got her to really expand the feeling that she had when she was in that classroom.
Metaphor therapy for Public Speaking
I then went back to my original plan to work directly on her fear. I asked her to think about her fear of public speaking as an object, a visualization of how that fear fear appeared to her. She told me that it was like "a black brick with other feelings inside".
This description was telling me how her unconscious mind thought about her feelings of being put down. In all likelihood, this feeling was not just about the classroom experience.
It was probably also associated with feelings of rejection and dismissal from other parts of her childhood. Somehow her mind had got the idea that whatever she did she was going to be ignored and rejected and hurt.
The aim of somatic therapy is to transform the fear object into something else. So the therapy consisted of trying to get her to get rid of that "black brick".
I tried many ways to encourage her to get rid of the brick. She had real difficulty in imagining that there was any way at all that she could smash this brick. I suggested all sorts of ways that she could do this.
Eventually, she agreed that she could put into an industrial crushing machine. The moment that her mind was able to allow her to drop it into the machine it was transformed.
Out came blossoms of white and blue petals. In this case it was almost instantaneously. The moment that she could agree it could be done at all, it transformed itself.
Making sure the fear has gone forever
I then tested to be sure the old fear of public speaking had changed. I asked her "thinking about going into meetings now, how does that seem to you?" She said, "it all seems easy, it feels completely different".
To make sure that she did not recreate the problem in her mind, I gave her a powerful visualization. She was not just in a meeting and speaking, but dominating the meeting. Then I put her deeper into trance.
I got her to imagine lying in a wonderfully comfortable bed having a dream about walking in an orchard. In that orchard there were blizzards of white and blue petals swirling around her. These petals lifted her up and carried her out of that place.
The blizzard of petals allowed her to open up to the possibility of being different. I then linked the blizzard of petals to her visualization of being in a meeting and imagining all those petals filling her with confidence and power.
When I brought her back to the present, she said "I feel completely different. I can't wait to get back into that meeting!"
Public Speaking: Removing a Secret Fear
This client was very nervous when she sat down. She seemed reluctant to even tell me what her problem was. She told me that she's got a new job. She hates it when everyone has to introduce themselves and say and talk about who they are.
I explained about metaphor replacement therapy and how it works. I told her what I was going to do. "Think about being in a large room with many people. and it is slowly coming to your turn to speak." I was trying to get her to move into the feeling.
But I found it was very difficult to get her to say anything. I kept going on about how she felt in doing her introduction, and she just wasn't speaking to me. She was giving me hardly any feedback at all.
Getting the feeling
So I changed it to get her to imagine being the bridesmaid at a wedding and having to stand up and address the whole audience.
I emphasized how everyone was looking at her, she was the center of attention, and the whole thing depended on her getting it right. It would be remembered forever.
I asked what she was feeling. She said "a little nervousness, tenseness". I asked her where she was feeling it. She indicated it was in her chest. So I went on with that, and after a lot of persuasion and encouraging, she finally said "it's like a cloud".
I asked her what she would like to have happen to the cloud and she said "go away". Then I asked "what would that mean for you", and she replied "no fear". And finally, I asked her "what could you do then?"
She replied "anything". This set up the logical link between her actions and the outcome.
Changing the image
I tried to get her to make the cloud bigger. Then make it smaller. Even after a lot of prodding, she could not get it to go any smaller. I explored the properties of the cloud: it was a black cloud, heavy, floating in front of her, it was round.
I asked her to look at it from the back: it was just the same. "Can you move it to one side of the other." "No." I suggested the cloud might rain, it might shrink, it might get thinner, it might change color, all the things I could think of.
Eventually, in desperation, I said "just imagine that you could push that cloud". That seem to work. She said "it's much further away now." I made her push it again. I asked "What are you experiencing now? What does it look like? She said "it's disappeared".
Something that usually takes ten minutes, took over 40. This woman seriously did not want to go into her public speaking problem. When the cloud was gone, I tested her. I asked "Think about the whole wedding thing again. How does it seem to you now?"
She said "the feeling has gone, it's just not there." I tested it again later on, and she said "no, it is definitely gone. I usually get the feeling of tension in my chest and that just isn't happening now."
Origin of her public speaking problem
My feeling is that her fear of public speaking was actually linked to a much earlier fear from somewhere deep in her childhood. I think that she was afraid of something very much deeper, and was not going to allow me to get anywhere near that feeling. She agreed.
I was anxious that she did not leave with the idea that she had not been hypnotized. So I explained that metaphor therapy actually was a form of hypnosis. And she said something very interesting.
She told me, "when we were getting rid of the cloud, I felt that I had gone inside myself. That I was very small and my body was very large. In particular I felt my hands were huge. I wasn't speaking because I felt unsure of what to say, what was wanted".
I wonder if that had anything to do with her earlier reluctance to speak? But it doesn't matter. Her fear of public speaking is gone now.
It's time to stop wondering. Get it done.
The ability to speak confidently to a group is a skill that pays off handsomely in business. Don't let nervousness in public put you off. Learning to be comfortable behind a microphone is easier than you think.
You're not going to speak confidently until you do something about it. Ask yourself, how much longer do I need to suffer this?
Here is the answer - You don't! You now know that there is a therapy that will make a difference. A therapy that will stop the anxiety from even starting. Public Speaking anxiety is now optional.
Imagine the difference. Picture yourself speaking to a meeting. Getting your knowledge across. Feeling calm, collected, in charge. Think about how it will feel to give a successful presentation. Imagine giving a witty speech at a wedding, or calming a delegation. Looking supremely confident and in control. Influencing other people. Isn't that what you want?
Taking action is how to get rid of it. You have tried everything else. You don't need to think about it. You need to accept that it is not going to go away. You know what to do. You know the right decision.
Do something about it today. Don't let it drag on. One session will show you how easy it is. Extinguish the feelings. Book your time today.
Your session lasts about an hour, and costs $120. Money back guarantee. Book it now.